Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Preparing for the well driller

My husband rented a brush trimmer and spent 4 HOURS cutting brush. Most of the brush is blackberry bramble and tiny oak and maple trees. Tomorrow we have to fire up the chainsaw and cut down 5 trees to make room for the well drilling truck to get through. This should be interesting since we have never cut trees down, I mean I have helped my grandfather when I was a kid. We have watched videos, purchased safety gear and prepared ourselves the best we can.

On the subject of not having any water; you become very aware of every drop you use when you are hauling it in from town. Drinking, cleaning dishes, washing hands, wash cloth baths and solar showers are at about 11 gallons. No water means no toilet. We have been using a hole outside......

There is no a/c at our place and its been in the 85 degree + high humidity. Our son is not enjoying the move so far. We are all very warm. Today all of us will be driving to the beach to jump in the cool lake.

1 comment:

  1. I love the pic. Sucky on the water though. Water awareness, will that lighten even after the well is drilled? Do you have generic Menard's buckets placed around the house to catch the water from the rains you will be having? Maybe less water to haul in from town.
