Friday, September 25, 2015


I. Have. Internet!!!! at my house!!! I have learned that if some customer service rep tells you "no" you call back and keep asking until you get what you want. People are lazy and its easy for them to say "We can't find your house on the map, so phone and Internet are not available in your area."

My husband is really against getting a septic system or holding tank. I for one, would like one, but marriage is a give and take so I agreed to a saw dust composting toilet for one year. The conditions are he is in charge of emptying the bucket. He built the "shitter" as he calls it, out of plywood.
. I sanded, stained and shellacked it. There is a 5 gallon bucket that fits in. 

Every time you use it you put sawdust over it. We still have to dig a giant hole for the compost to go in, so its not actually functioning yet. You can use the compost for trees and non edible plants and shrubs. For more information about saw dust toilets take a look at these links.

We picked up our lawn mower/snow blower today. We were going to pay someone to plow for us this winter but with the size of our driveway and my husband's work truck driving terrible in the snow we did a cost analyst and it would be more cost effective just to buy something of our own to be able to plow anytime we needed to. Plus it has multiple uses.

We are still waiting on the well guy to come out. I'm not sure if people just work at a slower pace out here or if it takes a really long time to pull permits and drill wells and install pipes and pumps. The guy said he has two other customers ahead of us. I don't mind the hauling of water or the truck stop showers but doing dishes outside is annoying.

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