The well guys came back sooner than expected. They brought in a backhoe loader to dig 6 feet down to bury the water pipe. I found out they had to drill 95 feet down before they hit water, Thank God they did not hit the granite shelf like they did over at my neighbors house. It ended up costing my neighbor a fortune and busted the drill for the well guys. The Backhoe guy was very nice and had my son go into the cab with him to help dig the trench. My son was so excited he ran over after and got his toy backhoe and dug a trench. The water tank is in our bathroom now since we do not have a basement. We do not have anything plumbed in yet, we fill a stock pot from the tank and heat on the stove to do dishes. We have a bucket under the sink to catch gray water and dump it outside. We got rid of the rain barrels for now since its going to be winter soon. We will catch water again in the spring for garden watering. My husband wrapped insulation around the water pipe and now we have to skirt the house to help keep it from freezing and help prevent floor drafts.
The lady we bought the place from collected a ton of junk and debris under and around the house. We spent 4 hours clearing and hauling the debris away in a trailer. I know building a house creates a mess but how can you just live with chaos all around you? We have to haul a wood pile into the woods that the lady didn't know how to stack properly and its all rotted out. I split some of it to see if it was salvageable but its all just crumbles away. We will save some of it to put in the bottom of our raised garden beds in the spring.
I took an online beginners Basic Bee keeping class. I'm very excited to work bee keeping into our homestead. I use beeswax in my home made salves and candles. I have been researching beekeeping in my area and I have not seen any local honey products at the farmers market. I did see one home with bee boxes on the side of their property while driving to town. I think they might be empty though.
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